I’m going to start this column with a short riddle.
I look down on no one, up to very few, my parents of course. I don’t think I’m better than anyone else, but I don’t know anyone better. But that is not what I said, is it?
I finally got to attend a commission meeting. Boy, what a surprise. Someone in that group has dictatorial ambitions. The 30-some years I’ve lived here I never remember attending a commish meeting where our elected officials looked down on we the people. The remodeled room looks like a court of law. Those welfare recipients we elected sit high on the bench like a judge.
I never remember having to look up to our employees before. It seems we have elected politicians instead of statesmen. The difference is politicians get in office to further themselves, while a statesperson applies for that position to work for the community.
This childish agenda about the Second Amendment and its need for sanctuary was laughable. Sanctuary is entering into a holy building to protect oneself from errant law. It isn’t something used to protect laws themselves.
I’ve read a few books on the Second Amendment . At one time it was to protect the voters from some bad decisions the electorate made. It wouldn’t help much in today’s political atmosphere. My Glock won’t protect me from a 60-ton tank.
It seems we are losing our status as a republic and democracy as we are led by a person with yellow hair. Why is it that corporations who enjoy conflict always send others to give their all, while they stay back and reap the profits?
I did my time in Korea – 1950 and 1951. I saw firsthand the waste and ravages of war or as they called it a police action. Some 51,000 dead and more maimed may differ on that.
As to leadership in Montezuma County, we have many local amenities here to provide good permanent employement, we are just short on thinking. Instead we have become a gasoline and fast-food pit stop for travelers who grab Cokes, burgers and fries and go on to some place interesting.
For this, the one commish wants to extend his welfare position for another four years at $60,000 a year. It was mentioned that it took some time to make contacts and get the lay of the land. When I was out in the labor force those that employed me expected me to be able to grab a shovel and hit the ground running. Mottot: Can’t do it, can’t stay. No time to learn, time to earn.
He stated he needs time to make friends and contact, but for whom? Himself or the community?
The Democrats had a person running for a position on the commish last fall. She attended most every meeting for years to acquaint herself with the integral and essential workings to the position. She was a statesperson. No, she didn’t get elected.
In my last employment I was given a substantial salary and retainer but nothing like the commish guys get. Like the teachers, the foundation of society, I had to put in 10-12 hours or more a day six days a week and had to produce. It is a sad commentary that we don’t think enough of our students to give the educators guiding our children for the future of country and county a livable income.
Cortez and Montezuma County are now just a welfare economy. As far as I’m concerned we have a group of welfare recipients employed as leaders. If you receive a check from the government you are on welfare. I say $60,000 is a lot of money for one commish meeting a week in this new-style judicial-type meeting room.
Galen Larson writes from Montezuma County, Colo.