Click on a name to view archive columns. Click again to close the list.

Free Press Editorials
We need leaders (June 2020)
Our heads in the clouds (May 2020)
The work has just begun (February 2020)
We will miss working with Roy Lane (January 2020)
Thanks for giving us a little space (October 2019)
Want a drink? Skip the bottle (August 2019)
This is the time to support For Pets’ Sake (July 2019)
It’s time to say thanks for a few things (June 2019)
Should commissioners serve just two terms? (May 2019)
What happened to Crime Waves? (February 2019)
Rec committee should display diversity (January 2019)
What has Amazon ever done for you? (December 2018)
Where are our conservative columns? (November 2018)
Y and Z have merit (October 2018)
A sad saga in San Juan County (September 2018)
Credit where credit is due (August 2018)
Looking like a million (May 2018)
Say yes to extending the rec-center tax (March 2018)
Yanking the rug out from under our feet (December 2017)
Good news, bad news (November 2017)
Enemies of the people? (September 2017)
Dear GOP lawmakers: Use common sense (February 2017)
Irreplaceable (January 2017)
Health insurers’ departures (September 2016)
Bears Ears’ future (June 2016)
The peculiar clash over mosquito control (May 2016)
Is there a future for the trail? (March 2016)
Don’t put too many eggs in the recreation basket (February 2016)
Gifts we’d like to bestow (December 2015)
Dear Montezuma County Commissioners… (November 2015)
The new math that’s harming schools (October 2015)
Snuffing the bong-a-thon (September 2015)
Civil disobedience (May 2015)
Email interviews (April 2015)
Monuments and NCAs (March 2015)
All the news that fits (February 2015)
Tune in, tune out (January 2015)
Falling out of the ark (December 2014)
Vote local (November 2014)
Speak the truth, candidates! (October 2014)
A land-use question raises thorny issues (September 2014)
Losing faith in local government (August 2014)
It’s a man’s world in Montezuma County (July 2014)
Look to the long term (June 2014)
Disrespecting the public (May 2014)
Scaled-back measure is an improvement (April 2014)
Expectations will prove the rule is bad (March 2014)
Commissioners don’t need a 20 percent raise (February 2014)
A grand experiment (January 2014)
County showed courage in battle with Kinder Morgan (November 2013)
Think long and hard about the river-valley plan (October 2013)
Thanks to the county’s planning commission (September 2013)
Minding the store (August 2013)
Young men and fire (July 2013)
It’s time for some answers in the Rule case (June 2013)
Behind closed doors (May 2013)
What’s in a flag? (April 2013)
No easy solutions in sage-grouse situation (March 2013)
Support your local paper (February 2013)
Anger… uh, travel management (January 2013)
Putting a collar on barking dogs (December 2012)
Changing of the guard (November 2012)
Old-fashioned virtues (October 2012)
Some Free Press FAQs (September 2012)
Saying goodbye to Connie (August 2012)
A great victory (July 2012)
Rights for gay couples (June 2012)
The unfortunate need for zoning (May 2012)
One-party rule (April 2012)
Hypocrisy in office (March 2012)
Following the best route (February 2012)
Why population matters (January 2012)
Smart shopping (December 2011)
It’s time for tax foes to come up with solutions (November 2011)
Wanted: Good leaders (October 2011)
Still black and white and read all over (September 2011)
Running government like a business (August 2011)Speak now on zoning in Montezuma County (July 2011)
Geronimo: What’s in a (code) name? (June 2011)
Give us the fracking truth (May 2011)
Recall deserves to fail (April 2011)
Our heads in the clouds (May 2020)
The work has just begun (February 2020)
We will miss working with Roy Lane (January 2020)
Thanks for giving us a little space (October 2019)
Want a drink? Skip the bottle (August 2019)
This is the time to support For Pets’ Sake (July 2019)
It’s time to say thanks for a few things (June 2019)
Should commissioners serve just two terms? (May 2019)
What happened to Crime Waves? (February 2019)
Rec committee should display diversity (January 2019)
What has Amazon ever done for you? (December 2018)
Where are our conservative columns? (November 2018)
Y and Z have merit (October 2018)
A sad saga in San Juan County (September 2018)
Credit where credit is due (August 2018)
Looking like a million (May 2018)
Say yes to extending the rec-center tax (March 2018)
Yanking the rug out from under our feet (December 2017)
Good news, bad news (November 2017)
Enemies of the people? (September 2017)
Dear GOP lawmakers: Use common sense (February 2017)
Irreplaceable (January 2017)
Health insurers’ departures (September 2016)
Bears Ears’ future (June 2016)
The peculiar clash over mosquito control (May 2016)
Is there a future for the trail? (March 2016)
Don’t put too many eggs in the recreation basket (February 2016)
Gifts we’d like to bestow (December 2015)
Dear Montezuma County Commissioners… (November 2015)
The new math that’s harming schools (October 2015)
Snuffing the bong-a-thon (September 2015)
Civil disobedience (May 2015)
Email interviews (April 2015)
Monuments and NCAs (March 2015)
All the news that fits (February 2015)
Tune in, tune out (January 2015)
Falling out of the ark (December 2014)
Vote local (November 2014)
Speak the truth, candidates! (October 2014)
A land-use question raises thorny issues (September 2014)
Losing faith in local government (August 2014)
It’s a man’s world in Montezuma County (July 2014)
Look to the long term (June 2014)
Disrespecting the public (May 2014)
Scaled-back measure is an improvement (April 2014)
Expectations will prove the rule is bad (March 2014)
Commissioners don’t need a 20 percent raise (February 2014)
A grand experiment (January 2014)
County showed courage in battle with Kinder Morgan (November 2013)
Think long and hard about the river-valley plan (October 2013)
Thanks to the county’s planning commission (September 2013)
Minding the store (August 2013)
Young men and fire (July 2013)
It’s time for some answers in the Rule case (June 2013)
Behind closed doors (May 2013)
What’s in a flag? (April 2013)
No easy solutions in sage-grouse situation (March 2013)
Support your local paper (February 2013)
Anger… uh, travel management (January 2013)
Putting a collar on barking dogs (December 2012)
Changing of the guard (November 2012)
Old-fashioned virtues (October 2012)
Some Free Press FAQs (September 2012)
Saying goodbye to Connie (August 2012)
A great victory (July 2012)
Rights for gay couples (June 2012)
The unfortunate need for zoning (May 2012)
One-party rule (April 2012)
Hypocrisy in office (March 2012)
Following the best route (February 2012)
Why population matters (January 2012)
Smart shopping (December 2011)
It’s time for tax foes to come up with solutions (November 2011)
Wanted: Good leaders (October 2011)
Still black and white and read all over (September 2011)
Running government like a business (August 2011)Speak now on zoning in Montezuma County (July 2011)
Geronimo: What’s in a (code) name? (June 2011)
Give us the fracking truth (May 2011)
Recall deserves to fail (April 2011)

Book Reviews by Scott Graham, Chuck Greaves, and Mark Stevens
‘Highly original’ stories a perfect summer read (August 2020)
Three Colorado cozies offer welcome escapes (July 2020)
Medhat’s second features Cortez (‘Milagro’) (June 2020)
The risk of adventure parenting (May 2020)
An effortless switch from literary to mystery (February 2020)
Manifest destitute (January 2020)
A trio of local voices (December 2019)
He started it (November 2019)
The last good cop (October 2019)
Local author unveils sensational World War II tale (September 2019)
Desert Solitaire (July 2019)
Crouch’s novel launches June 13 in Durango (June 2019)
Bye, bye Bernie (May 2019)
A Scandinavian mystery worth lauding (April 2019)
Current events (March 2019)
Will ‘Not of This Fold’ mean no longer of this flock? (February 2019)
Mumbo Gumbo (January 2019)
Attorneys flow through ‘River of Secrets’ (December 2018)
Desert duet (November 2018)
Atmospheric mystery features fallible detective (October 2018)
The Vapid and the Dead (September 2018)
A troubled pair in beautiful Montana (August 2018)
Wry spy (July 2018)
An icy cool debut by a young Colorado author (June 2018)
An affair to remember (May 2018)
A dark Texas under a high white sun (April 2018)
The other side of the fence (March 2018)
A local shines on the national literary stage (February 2018)
Beau knows Louis L’Amour (January 2018)
Johnson mixes humor and intrigue in ‘Western Star’ (December 2017)
Nativity (November 2017)
A fine Navajoland whodunnit (October 2017)
Gothic ramblings (September 2017)
Rose invents a new genre with ‘Thief’ (August 2017)
Worth the weight (July 2017)
Grann’s ‘Killers’ chronicles murders of the Osage Indians (June 2017)
Start spreading the News (May 2017)
Anne Hillerman sings in ‘Song of the Lion’ (April 2017)
Deadly dozen (March 2017)
Khan’s latest is informative, provocative (February 2017)
Winter’s tales (January 2017)
Exploring the changing face of the Western world (December 2016)
Time in a bottle (November 2016)
Another sparkling mystery from Tana French (October 2016)
If you remember the 60’s… (September 2016)
O’Nan’s Latest is slender but powerful (August 2016)
An epic chopping spree (July 2016)
‘Cutting’ local water (June 2016)
Futuristic ‘Zero K’ has style and substance (May 2016)
‘News of the World’ offers rare beauty (April 2016)
Dipping below the horizon: Nesbo’s latest thriller is worthwhile, but not one of his best offerings (March 2016)
Killing it: Fans of mysteries and canines will enjoy this Colorado-based crime tale (February 2016)
A novel for masochists: Elizabeth Strout’s latest features grim ruminations on family, forgiveness (January 2016)
On the trail of buffaloes and history (December 2015)
‘City on Fire’ an impressive debut (November 2015)
High adventure and low characters (October 2015)
Evison is getting better all the time (September 2015)
Oil boom leads to crime (August 2015)
‘Darkness’ helps fill void left by Hillerman (July 2015)
‘American Meteor’ is a fine frontier yarn (June 2015)
Three Colorado cozies offer welcome escapes (July 2020)
Medhat’s second features Cortez (‘Milagro’) (June 2020)
The risk of adventure parenting (May 2020)
An effortless switch from literary to mystery (February 2020)
Manifest destitute (January 2020)
A trio of local voices (December 2019)
He started it (November 2019)
The last good cop (October 2019)
Local author unveils sensational World War II tale (September 2019)
Desert Solitaire (July 2019)
Crouch’s novel launches June 13 in Durango (June 2019)
Bye, bye Bernie (May 2019)
A Scandinavian mystery worth lauding (April 2019)
Current events (March 2019)
Will ‘Not of This Fold’ mean no longer of this flock? (February 2019)
Mumbo Gumbo (January 2019)
Attorneys flow through ‘River of Secrets’ (December 2018)
Desert duet (November 2018)
Atmospheric mystery features fallible detective (October 2018)
The Vapid and the Dead (September 2018)
A troubled pair in beautiful Montana (August 2018)
Wry spy (July 2018)
An icy cool debut by a young Colorado author (June 2018)
An affair to remember (May 2018)
A dark Texas under a high white sun (April 2018)
The other side of the fence (March 2018)
A local shines on the national literary stage (February 2018)
Beau knows Louis L’Amour (January 2018)
Johnson mixes humor and intrigue in ‘Western Star’ (December 2017)
Nativity (November 2017)
A fine Navajoland whodunnit (October 2017)
Gothic ramblings (September 2017)
Rose invents a new genre with ‘Thief’ (August 2017)
Worth the weight (July 2017)
Grann’s ‘Killers’ chronicles murders of the Osage Indians (June 2017)
Start spreading the News (May 2017)
Anne Hillerman sings in ‘Song of the Lion’ (April 2017)
Deadly dozen (March 2017)
Khan’s latest is informative, provocative (February 2017)
Winter’s tales (January 2017)
Exploring the changing face of the Western world (December 2016)
Time in a bottle (November 2016)
Another sparkling mystery from Tana French (October 2016)
If you remember the 60’s… (September 2016)
O’Nan’s Latest is slender but powerful (August 2016)
An epic chopping spree (July 2016)
‘Cutting’ local water (June 2016)
Futuristic ‘Zero K’ has style and substance (May 2016)
‘News of the World’ offers rare beauty (April 2016)
Dipping below the horizon: Nesbo’s latest thriller is worthwhile, but not one of his best offerings (March 2016)
Killing it: Fans of mysteries and canines will enjoy this Colorado-based crime tale (February 2016)
A novel for masochists: Elizabeth Strout’s latest features grim ruminations on family, forgiveness (January 2016)
On the trail of buffaloes and history (December 2015)
‘City on Fire’ an impressive debut (November 2015)
High adventure and low characters (October 2015)
Evison is getting better all the time (September 2015)
Oil boom leads to crime (August 2015)
‘Darkness’ helps fill void left by Hillerman (July 2015)
‘American Meteor’ is a fine frontier yarn (June 2015)

Gail Binkly
Motley musings (April 2019)
Baby, you can’t drive my car (December 2018)
Baking day (July 2018)
A nice surprise (October 2017)
The language of love (May 2017)
Rescued (March 2017)
Remembering Marilyn (August 2015)
Slipping the surly bonds of earth (April 2015)
Stopping the presses (January 2015)
The best of sports, the worst of sports (January 2014)
Toxic legacy (November 2013)
Ten years after (September 2013)
You can’t go home again (July 2013)
End of an era (February 2013)
A reluctant believer (December 2012)
Baby, you’re a rich man (October 2012)
The China syndrome (August 2012)
Almost human (June 2012)
Why hate Tim Tebow? (February 2012)
Cleaning up (December 2011)
How to raise a happy cat (September 2011)
Happy birthday, baby (July 2011)
A knotty problem (March 2011)
Why is heat better than sleet? (January 2011)
On memories and motives (December 2010)
Keep it civil (June 2010)
Does drug-testing make sense (March 2010)
When does a cartoon go too far? (July 2009)
‘Support us or we go away’ (May 2009)
A stroll through Cortez (January 2009)
House beautiful (August 2008)
No more hope for a woman president (June 2008)
A farewell (November 2007)
Conversations in front of the television (March 2007)
A rabbit’s tale (June 2006)
Where, oh where, are the sounds of silence? (February 2006)
Always a bad hair day (November 2005)
Do you, Fido, take this man …? (May 2005)
Entering the Urban Legend Zone (December 2004)
Ode to an archaic technology (November 2004)
Fee foes decry passage of House bill (October 2004)
To read or not to read (September 2004)
Where politics is concerned, our interest is skin deep (August 2004)
Who wears the pants when they won’t fit? (February 2004)
Baby, you can’t drive my car (December 2018)
Baking day (July 2018)
A nice surprise (October 2017)
The language of love (May 2017)
Rescued (March 2017)
Remembering Marilyn (August 2015)
Slipping the surly bonds of earth (April 2015)
Stopping the presses (January 2015)
The best of sports, the worst of sports (January 2014)
Toxic legacy (November 2013)
Ten years after (September 2013)
You can’t go home again (July 2013)
End of an era (February 2013)
A reluctant believer (December 2012)
Baby, you’re a rich man (October 2012)
The China syndrome (August 2012)
Almost human (June 2012)
Why hate Tim Tebow? (February 2012)
Cleaning up (December 2011)
How to raise a happy cat (September 2011)
Happy birthday, baby (July 2011)
A knotty problem (March 2011)
Why is heat better than sleet? (January 2011)
On memories and motives (December 2010)
Keep it civil (June 2010)
Does drug-testing make sense (March 2010)
When does a cartoon go too far? (July 2009)
‘Support us or we go away’ (May 2009)
A stroll through Cortez (January 2009)
House beautiful (August 2008)
No more hope for a woman president (June 2008)
A farewell (November 2007)
Conversations in front of the television (March 2007)
A rabbit’s tale (June 2006)
Where, oh where, are the sounds of silence? (February 2006)
Always a bad hair day (November 2005)
Do you, Fido, take this man …? (May 2005)
Entering the Urban Legend Zone (December 2004)
Ode to an archaic technology (November 2004)
Fee foes decry passage of House bill (October 2004)
To read or not to read (September 2004)
Where politics is concerned, our interest is skin deep (August 2004)
Who wears the pants when they won’t fit? (February 2004)

Carolyn Dunmire
The Summer of Love (June 2020)
Planting the Goldilocks garden (March 2020)
Give me that old-tyme religion (February 2020)
Giving thanks for the sharing economy (November 2019)
Responsible food-sharing (October 2019)
Just follow the directions (August 2019)
Instant summer (July 2019)
Out of the very air (June 2019)
Eating like a Parisian (May 2019)
A philosophy of food (February 2019)
A diet in good taste (January 2019)
Stay healthy — avoid plastic (December 2018)
The spice of life (November 2018)
How to U-pick (October 2018)
The local Food Network (August 2018)
Weird abundance, or peacetime in the Hopper Wars (July 2018)
Opening day (June 2018)
Thriving in drought (May 2018)
The local food blockchain (April 2018)
Planting the Goldilocks garden (March 2020)
Give me that old-tyme religion (February 2020)
Giving thanks for the sharing economy (November 2019)
Responsible food-sharing (October 2019)
Just follow the directions (August 2019)
Instant summer (July 2019)
Out of the very air (June 2019)
Eating like a Parisian (May 2019)
A philosophy of food (February 2019)
A diet in good taste (January 2019)
Stay healthy — avoid plastic (December 2018)
The spice of life (November 2018)
How to U-pick (October 2018)
The local Food Network (August 2018)
Weird abundance, or peacetime in the Hopper Wars (July 2018)
Opening day (June 2018)
Thriving in drought (May 2018)
The local food blockchain (April 2018)

David Feela
Fur your consideration (May 2020)
Siri-ously (March 2020)
Cleared for landing (February 2020)
Happy Old Year! (January 2020)
Hypothetical inhabitants (November 2019)
My two cents (October 2019)
Viva Zapata! (August 2019)
Fowl language (June 2019)
Derelicts (May 2019)
Gut reflex (April 2019)
The celebrated flagger of Calaveras County (March 2019)
Groping for memories (February 2019)
Have a GFF New Year (January 2019)
Shooting the breeze (December 2018)
The lie of the land (November 2018)
Cars in our stars (October 2018)
An urning wage (September 2018)
Tacky tours (August 2018)
The osprey has landed (July 2018)
Poets Anonymous (June 2018)
Hands up (May 2018)
Our fearless reader? (April 2018)
Thou shalt not (March 2018)
Sedimental journey (February 2018)
A tree story (January 2018)
Too much of this garbage (December 2017)
Aisle B watching (November 2017)
Adjective deficit disorder (October 2017)
Domestic archaeology (September 2017)
Lodging a complaint (August 2017)
Summer vacation (July 2017)
Airline antics (June 2017)
Hidden costs (May 2017)
The hood (April 2017)
Star-struck (March 2017)
Fake news (February 2017)
A new play for public lands (January 2017)
Legends of my fall (December 2016)
An endorsement (November 2016)
A thing learned (Otober 2016)
No outlet (September 2016)
Crooked, the crow still flies (August 2016)
A safer world (June 2016)
The cruelest season (May 2016)
Never mind (April 2016)
Made in America (March 2016)
Gadget boy (February 2016)
Better than a sundial (January 2016)
More than an earful (December 2015)
Road worriers (November 2015)
Unreported (October 2015)
A long way from home (September 2015)
Overdue at the library (August 2015)
Summer reading (July 2015)
Rodents of unusual size (June 2015)
The greatest gift (May 2015)
Another grand canyon (April 2015)
Deja who? (March 2015)
Inkcorporated (February 2015)
Kisling’s ‘Crow’ (January 2015)
No well (December 2014)
Infernal combustion (November 2014)
One last hurrah (October 2014)
The blessing of rain (September 2014)
Is bigger better? (August 2014)
Selfie-ish (July 2014)
Surreal estate (June 2014)
Insecurity (May 2014)
April 6-12 is Victims’ Rights Week (April 2014)
Old-fashioned inflation (March 2014)
The illusion of depth (February 2014)
Practical jokes (January 2014)
A cautionary tale (December 2013)
My rose-colored glasses (November 2013)
A thumb’s up (October 2013)
City of Festivals (September 2013)
The Pink War (August 2013)
Troll Road (July 2013)
Curtains (June 2013)
Car-lot fantasies (May 2013)
Picture this (April 2013)
The urinal’s tale (March 2013)
A taste of nostalgia (February 2013)
Signed, but unsung (January 2013)
The American bird (December 2012)
Hello & Goodbye (November 2012)
At the cell level (October 2012)
To bag or not to bag (September 2012)
May Day for our public lands (August 2012)
The drain game (July 2012)
Ornamental livestock (June 2012)
Kauai-it, please! (May 2012)
Signs of the times (April 2012)
Walking the dogs (March 2012)
The Shipping Dues (February 2012)
Send in the clouds (January 2012)
The invisible hand (December 2011)
Mea culpa, feathered friend (November 2011)
A game most foul (October 2011)
The digital tree (September 2011)
Adopt a campground (August 2011)
The roadie in me (July 2011)
Exit laughing (June 2011)
How to make a Maltese cross (May 2011)
The fuel on the hill (April 2011)
The fruit police (March 2011)
Where the recycling ends (February 2011)
They call it a courtesy (January 2011)
The French don’t say cheese (December 2010)
Life, the universe and one thing (November 2010)
Power to the people? (September 2010)
If it smells like trouble (August 2010)
Any portal in a storm (July 2010)
A timely admission (June 2010)
History foreclosed (May 2010)
Fruit of the boom (April 2010)
Life as a PERAsite (March 2010)
Dear Abbie (February 2010)
Virtual learning (January 2010)
Taxing the public’s patience (December 2009)
Make mine pulp, please (November 2009)
About face (October 2009)
Money for nothing (September 2009)
Faint glory (August 2009)
Between a rock (July 2009)
The fifth season: fire (June 2009)
And now for something completely Vonnegut… (May 2009)
Return of the dodo (March 2009)
The price is right? (February 2009)
Taking aim at politics (January 2009)
Turning down the noise (December 2008)
Bowser’s little browser (November 2008)
Political thistles (October 2008)
The last summer vacation (September 2008)
Hybrid, Byebrid (August 2008)
The wizard of trash (July 2008)
Summer reading (June 2008)
Country dogs (May 2008)
Used karma (April 2008)
Mine’s longer than yours (March 2008)
Talking trash (February 2008)
Toys ‘R’ Toys (January 2008)
Gift of the magpie (December 2007)
The landfill poet (November 2007)
Trickle-out economics (October 2007)
‘Carcass’ is not a pretty word (September 2007)
What ails us (July 2007)
The Garage Sale Roadshow (June 2007)
When hummingbirds go bad (May 2007)
The department of corrections (April 2007)
Just a reminder (Feburary 2007)
Off the grid (January 2007)
Insuring domestic tranquility (December 2006)
The last Commodore in America (November 2006)
Hard tales gone soft (October 2006)
Spells is us (September 2006)
Uncommon scents (August 2006)
Summer homes, some ain’t (July 2006)
Day-use abuse (June 2006)
Agreed-upon greed (May 2006)
No good deal goes unpunished (April 2006)
Policing your thoughts (March 2006)
Higher education (February 2006)
Useless things: A Christmas memory (January 2006)
Wheel of Jeopardy (November 2005)
The Faux West (October 2005)
Better than the Golden Rule (September 2005)
An ode to the virtues of the old single-wide (August 2005)
Fortunes of The Real War (July 2005)
Just a reminder (June 2005)
A wing and a prayer (May 2005)
Alphabet soup (April 2005)
Nothing up my sleeve (March 2005)
Doing the Four Corners Polka (January 2005)
The virtues of thrift (December 2004)
Bird on a wireless (November 2004)
Praise the Lord and pass the pancakes (October 2004)
Swallowing a gram of truth (September 2004)
Gone is beauty (August 2004)
Waxing nostalgic (July 2004)
A perfect war (June 2004)
Still lonesome (May 2004)
Out of the Loop: Channel 17 finding a niche (April 2004)
Dog gone (March 2004)
The unhaunted house (February 2004)
Visions of perfect plumbing prove to be pipe dreams (January 2004)
The wheels on the bus go round and round (November 2003)
Siri-ously (March 2020)
Cleared for landing (February 2020)
Happy Old Year! (January 2020)
Hypothetical inhabitants (November 2019)
My two cents (October 2019)
Viva Zapata! (August 2019)
Fowl language (June 2019)
Derelicts (May 2019)
Gut reflex (April 2019)
The celebrated flagger of Calaveras County (March 2019)
Groping for memories (February 2019)
Have a GFF New Year (January 2019)
Shooting the breeze (December 2018)
The lie of the land (November 2018)
Cars in our stars (October 2018)
An urning wage (September 2018)
Tacky tours (August 2018)
The osprey has landed (July 2018)
Poets Anonymous (June 2018)
Hands up (May 2018)
Our fearless reader? (April 2018)
Thou shalt not (March 2018)
Sedimental journey (February 2018)
A tree story (January 2018)
Too much of this garbage (December 2017)
Aisle B watching (November 2017)
Adjective deficit disorder (October 2017)
Domestic archaeology (September 2017)
Lodging a complaint (August 2017)
Summer vacation (July 2017)
Airline antics (June 2017)
Hidden costs (May 2017)
The hood (April 2017)
Star-struck (March 2017)
Fake news (February 2017)
A new play for public lands (January 2017)
Legends of my fall (December 2016)
An endorsement (November 2016)
A thing learned (Otober 2016)
No outlet (September 2016)
Crooked, the crow still flies (August 2016)
A safer world (June 2016)
The cruelest season (May 2016)
Never mind (April 2016)
Made in America (March 2016)
Gadget boy (February 2016)
Better than a sundial (January 2016)
More than an earful (December 2015)
Road worriers (November 2015)
Unreported (October 2015)
A long way from home (September 2015)
Overdue at the library (August 2015)
Summer reading (July 2015)
Rodents of unusual size (June 2015)
The greatest gift (May 2015)
Another grand canyon (April 2015)
Deja who? (March 2015)
Inkcorporated (February 2015)
Kisling’s ‘Crow’ (January 2015)
No well (December 2014)
Infernal combustion (November 2014)
One last hurrah (October 2014)
The blessing of rain (September 2014)
Is bigger better? (August 2014)
Selfie-ish (July 2014)
Surreal estate (June 2014)
Insecurity (May 2014)
April 6-12 is Victims’ Rights Week (April 2014)
Old-fashioned inflation (March 2014)
The illusion of depth (February 2014)
Practical jokes (January 2014)
A cautionary tale (December 2013)
My rose-colored glasses (November 2013)
A thumb’s up (October 2013)
City of Festivals (September 2013)
The Pink War (August 2013)
Troll Road (July 2013)
Curtains (June 2013)
Car-lot fantasies (May 2013)
Picture this (April 2013)
The urinal’s tale (March 2013)
A taste of nostalgia (February 2013)
Signed, but unsung (January 2013)
The American bird (December 2012)
Hello & Goodbye (November 2012)
At the cell level (October 2012)
To bag or not to bag (September 2012)
May Day for our public lands (August 2012)
The drain game (July 2012)
Ornamental livestock (June 2012)
Kauai-it, please! (May 2012)
Signs of the times (April 2012)
Walking the dogs (March 2012)
The Shipping Dues (February 2012)
Send in the clouds (January 2012)
The invisible hand (December 2011)
Mea culpa, feathered friend (November 2011)
A game most foul (October 2011)
The digital tree (September 2011)
Adopt a campground (August 2011)
The roadie in me (July 2011)
Exit laughing (June 2011)
How to make a Maltese cross (May 2011)
The fuel on the hill (April 2011)
The fruit police (March 2011)
Where the recycling ends (February 2011)
They call it a courtesy (January 2011)
The French don’t say cheese (December 2010)
Life, the universe and one thing (November 2010)
Power to the people? (September 2010)
If it smells like trouble (August 2010)
Any portal in a storm (July 2010)
A timely admission (June 2010)
History foreclosed (May 2010)
Fruit of the boom (April 2010)
Life as a PERAsite (March 2010)
Dear Abbie (February 2010)
Virtual learning (January 2010)
Taxing the public’s patience (December 2009)
Make mine pulp, please (November 2009)
About face (October 2009)
Money for nothing (September 2009)
Faint glory (August 2009)
Between a rock (July 2009)
The fifth season: fire (June 2009)
And now for something completely Vonnegut… (May 2009)
Return of the dodo (March 2009)
The price is right? (February 2009)
Taking aim at politics (January 2009)
Turning down the noise (December 2008)
Bowser’s little browser (November 2008)
Political thistles (October 2008)
The last summer vacation (September 2008)
Hybrid, Byebrid (August 2008)
The wizard of trash (July 2008)
Summer reading (June 2008)
Country dogs (May 2008)
Used karma (April 2008)
Mine’s longer than yours (March 2008)
Talking trash (February 2008)
Toys ‘R’ Toys (January 2008)
Gift of the magpie (December 2007)
The landfill poet (November 2007)
Trickle-out economics (October 2007)
‘Carcass’ is not a pretty word (September 2007)
What ails us (July 2007)
The Garage Sale Roadshow (June 2007)
When hummingbirds go bad (May 2007)
The department of corrections (April 2007)
Just a reminder (Feburary 2007)
Off the grid (January 2007)
Insuring domestic tranquility (December 2006)
The last Commodore in America (November 2006)
Hard tales gone soft (October 2006)
Spells is us (September 2006)
Uncommon scents (August 2006)
Summer homes, some ain’t (July 2006)
Day-use abuse (June 2006)
Agreed-upon greed (May 2006)
No good deal goes unpunished (April 2006)
Policing your thoughts (March 2006)
Higher education (February 2006)
Useless things: A Christmas memory (January 2006)
Wheel of Jeopardy (November 2005)
The Faux West (October 2005)
Better than the Golden Rule (September 2005)
An ode to the virtues of the old single-wide (August 2005)
Fortunes of The Real War (July 2005)
Just a reminder (June 2005)
A wing and a prayer (May 2005)
Alphabet soup (April 2005)
Nothing up my sleeve (March 2005)
Doing the Four Corners Polka (January 2005)
The virtues of thrift (December 2004)
Bird on a wireless (November 2004)
Praise the Lord and pass the pancakes (October 2004)
Swallowing a gram of truth (September 2004)
Gone is beauty (August 2004)
Waxing nostalgic (July 2004)
A perfect war (June 2004)
Still lonesome (May 2004)
Out of the Loop: Channel 17 finding a niche (April 2004)
Dog gone (March 2004)
The unhaunted house (February 2004)
Visions of perfect plumbing prove to be pipe dreams (January 2004)
The wheels on the bus go round and round (November 2003)

Dexter Gill
Socially distant trees (June 2020)
Reducing smoke (March 2020)
Healthy forests (February 2020)
Trees, water and fights (November 2019)
Why try? (October 2019)
Your land and my land (August 2019)
Musings on public lands (July 2019)
Wilderness? Really? (June 2019)
Endangered? What? (May 2019)
Lands, people and future (April 2019)
Frustrating! (March 2019)
Having fun, fun, fun! (February 2019)
Voluntary laws? (January 2019)
For everything there is a season (December 2018)
It’s Mine – no, it’s mine! (November 2018)
Muddied waters (October 2018)
Clear-cut? (September 2018)
Lands, roads, and RS 2477 (August 2018)
Is it too late? (July 2018)
Wilderness? Whatszat? (June 2018)
Trees, trash and juice (May 2018)
Hey, where’s the grass? (April 2018)
What do you want? (March 2018)
Spot fires (February 2018)
Word pictures (January 2018)
Public-lands conflicts (December 2017)
Trails, roads and use (November 2017)
Smoke and mirrors (October 2017)
Why? (September 2017)
Plan ahead — act now (August 2017)
Wood is good! (July 2017)
What’s free? (June 2017)
That’s for the birds! (May 2017)
Stewardship (April 2017)
This land is whose land? (March 2017)
The protection racket (February 2017)
How much is enough? (January 2017)
Groundhog, fish and hay (December 2016)
To walk or to ride?(November 2016)
Really? (September 2016)
Is there a doctor in the forest? (August 2016)
Who decides what? (July 2016)
TMP or TRP? (June 2016)
Get along, little dogies! (May 2016)
Waste not, want not (April 2016)
Recreating or industry? (March 2016)
Going hunting? (February 2016)
What’s all the fuss about?(January 2016)
The cost of wilderness (December 2015)
Fire in the forest (November 2015)
Our public(?) lands (September 2015)
Let’s conserve the forests! (August 2015)
Use them or lose them (July 2015)
A little perspective (June 2015)
Pondering NEPA (May 2015)
Me the people (April 2015)
Forest Lands: What are they for? (January 2015)
Reducing smoke (March 2020)
Healthy forests (February 2020)
Trees, water and fights (November 2019)
Why try? (October 2019)
Your land and my land (August 2019)
Musings on public lands (July 2019)
Wilderness? Really? (June 2019)
Endangered? What? (May 2019)
Lands, people and future (April 2019)
Frustrating! (March 2019)
Having fun, fun, fun! (February 2019)
Voluntary laws? (January 2019)
For everything there is a season (December 2018)
It’s Mine – no, it’s mine! (November 2018)
Muddied waters (October 2018)
Clear-cut? (September 2018)
Lands, roads, and RS 2477 (August 2018)
Is it too late? (July 2018)
Wilderness? Whatszat? (June 2018)
Trees, trash and juice (May 2018)
Hey, where’s the grass? (April 2018)
What do you want? (March 2018)
Spot fires (February 2018)
Word pictures (January 2018)
Public-lands conflicts (December 2017)
Trails, roads and use (November 2017)
Smoke and mirrors (October 2017)
Why? (September 2017)
Plan ahead — act now (August 2017)
Wood is good! (July 2017)
What’s free? (June 2017)
That’s for the birds! (May 2017)
Stewardship (April 2017)
This land is whose land? (March 2017)
The protection racket (February 2017)
How much is enough? (January 2017)
Groundhog, fish and hay (December 2016)
To walk or to ride?(November 2016)
Really? (September 2016)
Is there a doctor in the forest? (August 2016)
Who decides what? (July 2016)
TMP or TRP? (June 2016)
Get along, little dogies! (May 2016)
Waste not, want not (April 2016)
Recreating or industry? (March 2016)
Going hunting? (February 2016)
What’s all the fuss about?(January 2016)
The cost of wilderness (December 2015)
Fire in the forest (November 2015)
Our public(?) lands (September 2015)
Let’s conserve the forests! (August 2015)
Use them or lose them (July 2015)
A little perspective (June 2015)
Pondering NEPA (May 2015)
Me the people (April 2015)
Forest Lands: What are they for? (January 2015)

Art Goodtimes
Swan song (March 2020)
Letting go of our family familiar (February 2020)
No nukes is good nukes (January 2020)
Celebrating Indigenous People’s Day (November 2019)
Saying goodbye to a good fed employee (October 2019)
UpstART of Ouray gives us Shakespeare (August 2019)
The joy of aging’s repeats (July 2019)
Dolores poet wins $500 Cantor Award (June 2019)
Good sugars instead of ‘white death’ (April 2019)
A mountain town in France (February 2019)
The dangers of powerlines (January 2019)
What trees have to teach us – a lot (December 2018)
In with Indigenous Peoples Day (October 2018)
Doing the Chilean Fungi Fest (August 2018)
Watering in a time of drought (July 2018)
Saying last goodbyes (May 2018)
Mourning mushrooms’ wise wild elder (April 2018)
An aerial tour of the Colorado Plateau (February 2018)
Going back to Clovis people in Colorado (January 2018)
Fulfilling a dream on my bucket list (December 2017)
Telluride Museum hosts Indigenous Peoples Day (October 2017)
Handing the myco-baton to the young (September 2017)
Shroomfest features Dennis McKenna (August 2017)
On the road again (June 2017)
Evaporative loss and the Colorado River system (May 2017)
Taking entheogens out of the closet (April 2017)
Making lyric mud in Todos Santos (March 2017)
Only in America . . . (January 2017)
Legalizing entheogens? (December 2016)
Reconciliation event for Utes was moving (November 2016)
County hosts reconciliation event for tribes (October 2016)
Leaning into the center this election (August 2016)
If there were courage (July 2016)
Julie Shavin wins $1,000 Fischer Prize (June 2016)
Finding friends where once there were enemies (May 2016)
Working collaboratively on forest health (April 2016)
Honoring a holy man of the cloth (March 2016)
At play on The Devil’s Chessboard (February 2016)
Remembering John Trudell, a great leader (January 2016)
Cultivating abundance with the Radical Center (December 2015)
Montezuma County threatens NCA plan (November 2015)
A change in thinking for the Greens (October 2015)
Don’t miss the mushroom parade (August 2015)
Beauty in the mountains (July 2015)
Trommer named Western Slope poet laureate (June 2015)
Lecturing on public lands for CU (May 2015)
Empty homes in San Miguel County (April 2015)
Starting the process of reconciliation (March 2015)
A question of states’ rights (February 2015)
Cortez shuts down its presses (December 2014)
Harvest time at Cloud Acre in Norwood (November 2014)Two days with Gary Snyder at Headwaters (October 2014)
Learning about shrooms; fighting the DMV (September 2014)
Celebrate mushrooms in all their guises (August 2014)
Stalking the wild carnotite (July 2014)
Going green in Cortez (June 2014)
Kids, cellared wines, nine lives (May 2014)
Trans fat, Timor spears and mammograms (April 2014)
Doing the Denver political scene (March 2014)
Fine-tuning a New World calendar (February 2014)
Moab profits from federal shutdown (January 2014)
Celebrating the solstice spirit, if not the shopping mania (December 2013)
Sheep Mountain celebrates 25 years (November 2013)
State punishes counties for OHV safety rules (October 2013)
Slam! Bam! Thank you, Ma’am (September 2013)
Keeping an eye out for the deadly tiger (August 2013)
Losing a wife to cancer (July 2013)
On gun laws, scandals, pot, and drones (June 2013)
Honoring Reg Saner, Aaron Abeyta at poetry fest (May 2013)
Welcoming in spring in Mancos (April 2013)
On recycling, writing and Pati Temple (March 2013)
Tweaking a North American calendar (February 2013)
Coming back to center after a couple of big ones (January 2013)
Pondering an apology to Native Americans (October 2012)
Reinventing Montezuma’s apple economy (September 2012)
Shroomfest in To-Hell-U-Ride (August 2012)
Joan May a good choice for national committee (July 2012)
Rafting the San Juan River Canyon (June 2012)
Learning to respect indigenous wisdom (May 2012)
Hollywood comes to Telluride (April 2012)
Tossing a hat into the ring again (March 2012)
Visiting a New Mexico hippie haunt (February 2012)
Exploring the entheogenic (January 2012)
‘The language of this land’ (November 2011)
Climate solutions for rural communities (October 2011)
Celebrating fungi with the fungophiles (September 2011)
A healing gathering for peace (August 2011)
Celebrating the Dolores River’s flow (July 2011)
A son’s graduation, Forest Service planning, and more (June 2011)
Looking back on Vatican II (May 2011)
The nuclear genii strikes back (April 2011)
Blending the New and Old West (March 2011)
What’s really local? (February 2011)
Poetry is alive and well in the region (January 2011)
Mushrooms in the limelight (December 2010)
Finding environmental support for our ranch community (November 2010)
Exploring the therapeutic uses of mushrooms (October 2010)
Trying to hone in on a lexicon of spirit (August 2010)
An abundance of mountain riches (July 2010)
A green plan to save the world (June 2010)
Enchanted by a Hungarian love story (May 2010)
Learning the Tao of T’ang poetry (March 2010)
Plenty International at 35 years (February 2010)
Let’s support the Chief (January 2010)
Coming to grips with a dream of paradise (December 2009)
Good friends in high places (October 2009)
Poets and places in Ish Country (September 2009)
Scattering Doug’s ashes in Cali (July 2009)
Finding the radical middle ground (June 2009)
Learning to ski at 63 (May 2009)
Looking out for county interests in D.C. (April 2009)
Publicizing the Pacific’s plastic garbage patch (March 2009)
Getting together to manage the Dolores River (February 2009)
Coming to the last of another four seasons (January 2009)
Change comes from the bottom up (December 2008)
Southwest Greens sponsor forum at MCHS (November 2008)
Telluride takes the lead in IRV election reform (October 2008)
Trekking in Cambodia with Iris Willow (September 2008)
Fulfilling a sacred duty to my dad (August 2008)
Celebrating New Year’s by assaulting friends con agua (July 2008)
Living with the gift of tragedy (June 2008)
Western Slope’s ‘voice of oil & gas’ (May 2008)
Bards, get ready! Talking Gourds is here (April 2008)
Remembering a famous wife and visionary (March 2008)
The impeachment debate in San Miguel County (February 2008)
Thinking globally and acting locally (January 2008)
Welcoming in 2008 from the Four Corners (December 2007)
The last day of moon risings at Chimney Rock (November 2007)
Burning Man: A party not to miss (October 2007)
Hillary Clinton gets applause (September 2007)
Causing damage for no sensible purpose (August 2007)
A political upset, travels and whirled music (July 2007)
Raising a fortune to save one last great place (June 2007)
Telling truth from paranoia (May 2007)
Throwing down the gauntlet in Telluride (April 2007)
Dolores LaChapelle takes leave of her beloved mountains (March 2007)
The real scandal of the Bush administration (February 2007)
Of California persimmons and Coconut Bliss (January 2007)
Mixing oil and water (December 2006)
Performance art, poetry and unsustainability (November 2006)
Earth and fire (October 2006)
The MSG-obesity connection (September 2006)
Mushrooms, global footprints and Wal-Mart’s sour grapes (August 2006)
The beauty of the Rainbow Gathering (July 2006)
Lessons not learned from history (June 2006)
The true costs of energy (May 2006)
Bringing performance back to the world of poetry (April 2006)
Back when Telluride was a haven for black crews (March 2006)
Holding oil and gas operators’ feet to the fire (February 2006)
Does anyone care if a few people march for peace? (January 2006)
A final alpine fling before winter (November 2005)
Upon becoming a “paleohippie” (October 2005)
Lone Cone access and celebrating ‘shrooms (September 2005)
Finding the connection between all things (July 2005)
Battling the oil and gas industry (June 2005)
A spotless record (May 2005)
The many dangers of fluoride (April 2005)
Sit-ins in Norwood, change in the Capitol (March 2005)
Gardening as an eco-political practice (December 2004)
Letting go of our family familiar (February 2020)
No nukes is good nukes (January 2020)
Celebrating Indigenous People’s Day (November 2019)
Saying goodbye to a good fed employee (October 2019)
UpstART of Ouray gives us Shakespeare (August 2019)
The joy of aging’s repeats (July 2019)
Dolores poet wins $500 Cantor Award (June 2019)
Good sugars instead of ‘white death’ (April 2019)
A mountain town in France (February 2019)
The dangers of powerlines (January 2019)
What trees have to teach us – a lot (December 2018)
In with Indigenous Peoples Day (October 2018)
Doing the Chilean Fungi Fest (August 2018)
Watering in a time of drought (July 2018)
Saying last goodbyes (May 2018)
Mourning mushrooms’ wise wild elder (April 2018)
An aerial tour of the Colorado Plateau (February 2018)
Going back to Clovis people in Colorado (January 2018)
Fulfilling a dream on my bucket list (December 2017)
Telluride Museum hosts Indigenous Peoples Day (October 2017)
Handing the myco-baton to the young (September 2017)
Shroomfest features Dennis McKenna (August 2017)
On the road again (June 2017)
Evaporative loss and the Colorado River system (May 2017)
Taking entheogens out of the closet (April 2017)
Making lyric mud in Todos Santos (March 2017)
Only in America . . . (January 2017)
Legalizing entheogens? (December 2016)
Reconciliation event for Utes was moving (November 2016)
County hosts reconciliation event for tribes (October 2016)
Leaning into the center this election (August 2016)
If there were courage (July 2016)
Julie Shavin wins $1,000 Fischer Prize (June 2016)
Finding friends where once there were enemies (May 2016)
Working collaboratively on forest health (April 2016)
Honoring a holy man of the cloth (March 2016)
At play on The Devil’s Chessboard (February 2016)
Remembering John Trudell, a great leader (January 2016)
Cultivating abundance with the Radical Center (December 2015)
Montezuma County threatens NCA plan (November 2015)
A change in thinking for the Greens (October 2015)
Don’t miss the mushroom parade (August 2015)
Beauty in the mountains (July 2015)
Trommer named Western Slope poet laureate (June 2015)
Lecturing on public lands for CU (May 2015)
Empty homes in San Miguel County (April 2015)
Starting the process of reconciliation (March 2015)
A question of states’ rights (February 2015)
Cortez shuts down its presses (December 2014)
Harvest time at Cloud Acre in Norwood (November 2014)Two days with Gary Snyder at Headwaters (October 2014)
Learning about shrooms; fighting the DMV (September 2014)
Celebrate mushrooms in all their guises (August 2014)
Stalking the wild carnotite (July 2014)
Going green in Cortez (June 2014)
Kids, cellared wines, nine lives (May 2014)
Trans fat, Timor spears and mammograms (April 2014)
Doing the Denver political scene (March 2014)
Fine-tuning a New World calendar (February 2014)
Moab profits from federal shutdown (January 2014)
Celebrating the solstice spirit, if not the shopping mania (December 2013)
Sheep Mountain celebrates 25 years (November 2013)
State punishes counties for OHV safety rules (October 2013)
Slam! Bam! Thank you, Ma’am (September 2013)
Keeping an eye out for the deadly tiger (August 2013)
Losing a wife to cancer (July 2013)
On gun laws, scandals, pot, and drones (June 2013)
Honoring Reg Saner, Aaron Abeyta at poetry fest (May 2013)
Welcoming in spring in Mancos (April 2013)
On recycling, writing and Pati Temple (March 2013)
Tweaking a North American calendar (February 2013)
Coming back to center after a couple of big ones (January 2013)
Pondering an apology to Native Americans (October 2012)
Reinventing Montezuma’s apple economy (September 2012)
Shroomfest in To-Hell-U-Ride (August 2012)
Joan May a good choice for national committee (July 2012)
Rafting the San Juan River Canyon (June 2012)
Learning to respect indigenous wisdom (May 2012)
Hollywood comes to Telluride (April 2012)
Tossing a hat into the ring again (March 2012)
Visiting a New Mexico hippie haunt (February 2012)
Exploring the entheogenic (January 2012)
‘The language of this land’ (November 2011)
Climate solutions for rural communities (October 2011)
Celebrating fungi with the fungophiles (September 2011)
A healing gathering for peace (August 2011)
Celebrating the Dolores River’s flow (July 2011)
A son’s graduation, Forest Service planning, and more (June 2011)
Looking back on Vatican II (May 2011)
The nuclear genii strikes back (April 2011)
Blending the New and Old West (March 2011)
What’s really local? (February 2011)
Poetry is alive and well in the region (January 2011)
Mushrooms in the limelight (December 2010)
Finding environmental support for our ranch community (November 2010)
Exploring the therapeutic uses of mushrooms (October 2010)
Trying to hone in on a lexicon of spirit (August 2010)
An abundance of mountain riches (July 2010)
A green plan to save the world (June 2010)
Enchanted by a Hungarian love story (May 2010)
Learning the Tao of T’ang poetry (March 2010)
Plenty International at 35 years (February 2010)
Let’s support the Chief (January 2010)
Coming to grips with a dream of paradise (December 2009)
Good friends in high places (October 2009)
Poets and places in Ish Country (September 2009)
Scattering Doug’s ashes in Cali (July 2009)
Finding the radical middle ground (June 2009)
Learning to ski at 63 (May 2009)
Looking out for county interests in D.C. (April 2009)
Publicizing the Pacific’s plastic garbage patch (March 2009)
Getting together to manage the Dolores River (February 2009)
Coming to the last of another four seasons (January 2009)
Change comes from the bottom up (December 2008)
Southwest Greens sponsor forum at MCHS (November 2008)
Telluride takes the lead in IRV election reform (October 2008)
Trekking in Cambodia with Iris Willow (September 2008)
Fulfilling a sacred duty to my dad (August 2008)
Celebrating New Year’s by assaulting friends con agua (July 2008)
Living with the gift of tragedy (June 2008)
Western Slope’s ‘voice of oil & gas’ (May 2008)
Bards, get ready! Talking Gourds is here (April 2008)
Remembering a famous wife and visionary (March 2008)
The impeachment debate in San Miguel County (February 2008)
Thinking globally and acting locally (January 2008)
Welcoming in 2008 from the Four Corners (December 2007)
The last day of moon risings at Chimney Rock (November 2007)
Burning Man: A party not to miss (October 2007)
Hillary Clinton gets applause (September 2007)
Causing damage for no sensible purpose (August 2007)
A political upset, travels and whirled music (July 2007)
Raising a fortune to save one last great place (June 2007)
Telling truth from paranoia (May 2007)
Throwing down the gauntlet in Telluride (April 2007)
Dolores LaChapelle takes leave of her beloved mountains (March 2007)
The real scandal of the Bush administration (February 2007)
Of California persimmons and Coconut Bliss (January 2007)
Mixing oil and water (December 2006)
Performance art, poetry and unsustainability (November 2006)
Earth and fire (October 2006)
The MSG-obesity connection (September 2006)
Mushrooms, global footprints and Wal-Mart’s sour grapes (August 2006)
The beauty of the Rainbow Gathering (July 2006)
Lessons not learned from history (June 2006)
The true costs of energy (May 2006)
Bringing performance back to the world of poetry (April 2006)
Back when Telluride was a haven for black crews (March 2006)
Holding oil and gas operators’ feet to the fire (February 2006)
Does anyone care if a few people march for peace? (January 2006)
A final alpine fling before winter (November 2005)
Upon becoming a “paleohippie” (October 2005)
Lone Cone access and celebrating ‘shrooms (September 2005)
Finding the connection between all things (July 2005)
Battling the oil and gas industry (June 2005)
A spotless record (May 2005)
The many dangers of fluoride (April 2005)
Sit-ins in Norwood, change in the Capitol (March 2005)
Gardening as an eco-political practice (December 2004)

Katharhynn Heidelberg
Does that bother you? (March 2020)
Taking in the snake (August 2019)
Don’t create a history to judge (July 2019)
At Dachau, birds and a warning (May 2019)
Speak (of) no evil? (April 2019)
Stand up, sit down: Flag flaps wave on (March 2019)
Rape Mythology 101 (November 2018)
Privileging the executive (August 2018)
The danger of Trump fatigue syndrome (June 2018)
Alabama — Running with the devil? (December 2017)
Calling out predators (November 2017)
It’s 2017 (September 2017)
We, the Peasants? (August 2017)
A republic — can we keep it? (June 2017)
Convenient sexism (April 2017)
A lie is a lie (February 2017)
A view of the election: unvarnished (December 2016)
Olympic and burkini fever (October 2016)
Access denied is a right denied (August 2016)
Orlando and the endless loop (July 2016)
The Trump next time (April 2016)
‘Patriot’ games in Oregon (February 2016)
The moral compass is broken (November 2015)
I’m not with Kim (October 2015)
Let it fly no more (July 2015)
A poverty of compassion (May 2015)
(Past) time to start caring (January 2015)
Until people get it (November 2014)
Dear gun fetishists: You’re not helping (September 2014)
Beyond birth control (August 2014)
Freedom of, freedom from — a simple, vital concept (July 2014)
Lives depend on cancer research (May 2014)
Create your own reality! (April 2014)
Fickle with the First Amendment (February 2014)
New Year’s revolution (January 2014)
A business is a business is a business (December 2013)
Dear Negative Nellie… (October 2013)
Rape culture thrives at victims’ expense (August 2013)Say no to the surveillance state (July 2013)
Role reversal (April 2013)
Role reversal (April 2013)
Female outrage: The outtakes (February 2013)
Not a mandate, but a message (December 2012)
Heartburn season (September 2012)
Honesty, please, in the gun debate (August 2012)
Big Gulp? I’ll drink to that! (July 2012)
TV refugee (June 2012)
The ducks are singing! (April 2012)
An inch and a mile (March 2012)
The head-in-the-sand approach to child abuse (December 2011)
Time to kill the death penalty? (November 2011)
Perry watch: pledge and consequence (October 2011)
First they came for your fat kids… (August 2011)
Value personal sovereignty? Watch it (July 2011)
My body is not your business (March 2011)
Meet the Regressives (March 2011)
Beware the little black [Face]book! (December 2010)
A mosque in a hard place (October 2010)
FLDS sect’s victims also have rights (September 2010)
And there she wasn’t (July 2010)
With (Wall Street) friends like these … (March 2010)
The year in dumb (February 2010)
Truly ‘domestic’ terrorism (December 2009)
While there is time (November 2009)
Whom are you calling ‘elite’? (October 2009)
Too much (useless) information (September 2009)
Excuses, Excuses (August 2009)
Media-made ‘experts’ are hazardous to your health (March 2009)
A burger by any other name … (July 2008)
On-line rumors are more than bad ‘Netiquette’ (March 2008)
Extremism and the culture defense (December 2007)
Thou shalt not touch: The soldier as sacred (November 2007)
Yup – still obsessed with sex (October 2007)
Me and my X-rated fantasies (September 2007)
I hear Paris is beautiful – in orange (July 2007)
End the Food Police state (April 2007)
The New Age of age (February 2007)
Highlights from one week of stupidity (December 2006)
God, mammon now on speaking terms (November 2006)
War of the words (October 2006)
This time it’s all over – really! (September 2006)
Et tu, Obama? (August 2006)
Bubble Boy’s latest slippery slope (June 2006)
Laughing till we hurt (March 2006)
Fear and loathing in Colorado: A cat’s view (January 2006)
Pat Robertson: A poor example of a Christian (December 2005)
Rants of a young(ish) codger (November 2005)
Crafty Karl Rove does nothing by accident (August 2005)
The Ministry of Silly Ideas (June 2005)
Shout it out! There’s nothing wrong with being fat (May 2005)
The A-list of disturbing privacy violations (March 2005)
Bias is in the eye of the beholder (January 2005)
Taking in the snake (August 2019)
Don’t create a history to judge (July 2019)
At Dachau, birds and a warning (May 2019)
Speak (of) no evil? (April 2019)
Stand up, sit down: Flag flaps wave on (March 2019)
Rape Mythology 101 (November 2018)
Privileging the executive (August 2018)
The danger of Trump fatigue syndrome (June 2018)
Alabama — Running with the devil? (December 2017)
Calling out predators (November 2017)
It’s 2017 (September 2017)
We, the Peasants? (August 2017)
A republic — can we keep it? (June 2017)
Convenient sexism (April 2017)
A lie is a lie (February 2017)
A view of the election: unvarnished (December 2016)
Olympic and burkini fever (October 2016)
Access denied is a right denied (August 2016)
Orlando and the endless loop (July 2016)
The Trump next time (April 2016)
‘Patriot’ games in Oregon (February 2016)
The moral compass is broken (November 2015)
I’m not with Kim (October 2015)
Let it fly no more (July 2015)
A poverty of compassion (May 2015)
(Past) time to start caring (January 2015)
Until people get it (November 2014)
Dear gun fetishists: You’re not helping (September 2014)
Beyond birth control (August 2014)
Freedom of, freedom from — a simple, vital concept (July 2014)
Lives depend on cancer research (May 2014)
Create your own reality! (April 2014)
Fickle with the First Amendment (February 2014)
New Year’s revolution (January 2014)
A business is a business is a business (December 2013)
Dear Negative Nellie… (October 2013)
Rape culture thrives at victims’ expense (August 2013)Say no to the surveillance state (July 2013)
Role reversal (April 2013)
Role reversal (April 2013)
Female outrage: The outtakes (February 2013)
Not a mandate, but a message (December 2012)
Heartburn season (September 2012)
Honesty, please, in the gun debate (August 2012)
Big Gulp? I’ll drink to that! (July 2012)
TV refugee (June 2012)
The ducks are singing! (April 2012)
An inch and a mile (March 2012)
The head-in-the-sand approach to child abuse (December 2011)
Time to kill the death penalty? (November 2011)
Perry watch: pledge and consequence (October 2011)
First they came for your fat kids… (August 2011)
Value personal sovereignty? Watch it (July 2011)
My body is not your business (March 2011)
Meet the Regressives (March 2011)
Beware the little black [Face]book! (December 2010)
A mosque in a hard place (October 2010)
FLDS sect’s victims also have rights (September 2010)
And there she wasn’t (July 2010)
With (Wall Street) friends like these … (March 2010)
The year in dumb (February 2010)
Truly ‘domestic’ terrorism (December 2009)
While there is time (November 2009)
Whom are you calling ‘elite’? (October 2009)
Too much (useless) information (September 2009)
Excuses, Excuses (August 2009)
Media-made ‘experts’ are hazardous to your health (March 2009)
A burger by any other name … (July 2008)
On-line rumors are more than bad ‘Netiquette’ (March 2008)
Extremism and the culture defense (December 2007)
Thou shalt not touch: The soldier as sacred (November 2007)
Yup – still obsessed with sex (October 2007)
Me and my X-rated fantasies (September 2007)
I hear Paris is beautiful – in orange (July 2007)
End the Food Police state (April 2007)
The New Age of age (February 2007)
Highlights from one week of stupidity (December 2006)
God, mammon now on speaking terms (November 2006)
War of the words (October 2006)
This time it’s all over – really! (September 2006)
Et tu, Obama? (August 2006)
Bubble Boy’s latest slippery slope (June 2006)
Laughing till we hurt (March 2006)
Fear and loathing in Colorado: A cat’s view (January 2006)
Pat Robertson: A poor example of a Christian (December 2005)
Rants of a young(ish) codger (November 2005)
Crafty Karl Rove does nothing by accident (August 2005)
The Ministry of Silly Ideas (June 2005)
Shout it out! There’s nothing wrong with being fat (May 2005)
The A-list of disturbing privacy violations (March 2005)
Bias is in the eye of the beholder (January 2005)

Zach Hively
Rabbit support (June 2020)
Cry uncle (May 2020)
The word of the day (March 2020)
The road not (yet) taken (February 2020)
Running on empty (January 2020)
Lavender fields forever (November 2019)
Stumped (October 2019)
Impulse Control (August 2019)
Haberdashed (July 2019)
Gearheads (June 2019)
Gold rush (May 2019)
Airing my laundry (April 2019)
The satisfaction of hanging on to absolutely everything (March 2019)
Senti-mental (February 2019)
Sleeping dog’s lie (January 2019)
Heeeeeee’s Zach! (December 2018)
Next stop: platinum (November 2018)
¿Hablas desobediencia civil? (October 2018)
The root of the problem (September 2018)
Typecast (August 2018)
Crossing off the list (June 2018)
Blood donors and don’ts (May 2018)
Vocal fried (April 2018)
Eat me (March 2018)
Blowin’ up (February 2018)
The music man (December 2017)
Eat. Pray. Shove it, Nate. (November 2017)
Derby is my jam (October 2017)
The best a man can get (September 2017)
Double dog diss (August 2017)
The Toastest with the Mostest (June 2017)
Guest accommodations (May 2017)
Balking the walk (April 2017)
Dialed up (March 2017)
No admission (February 2017)
No place like home for the holidays (January 2017)
Catatonic water (December 2016)
Bootleggers Anonymous (November 2016)
Don’t try this at home (October 2016)
The horse gets his name (September 2016)
Smartphoney (August 2016)
Cry uncle (May 2020)
The word of the day (March 2020)
The road not (yet) taken (February 2020)
Running on empty (January 2020)
Lavender fields forever (November 2019)
Stumped (October 2019)
Impulse Control (August 2019)
Haberdashed (July 2019)
Gearheads (June 2019)
Gold rush (May 2019)
Airing my laundry (April 2019)
The satisfaction of hanging on to absolutely everything (March 2019)
Senti-mental (February 2019)
Sleeping dog’s lie (January 2019)
Heeeeeee’s Zach! (December 2018)
Next stop: platinum (November 2018)
¿Hablas desobediencia civil? (October 2018)
The root of the problem (September 2018)
Typecast (August 2018)
Crossing off the list (June 2018)
Blood donors and don’ts (May 2018)
Vocal fried (April 2018)
Eat me (March 2018)
Blowin’ up (February 2018)
The music man (December 2017)
Eat. Pray. Shove it, Nate. (November 2017)
Derby is my jam (October 2017)
The best a man can get (September 2017)
Double dog diss (August 2017)
The Toastest with the Mostest (June 2017)
Guest accommodations (May 2017)
Balking the walk (April 2017)
Dialed up (March 2017)
No admission (February 2017)
No place like home for the holidays (January 2017)
Catatonic water (December 2016)
Bootleggers Anonymous (November 2016)
Don’t try this at home (October 2016)
The horse gets his name (September 2016)
Smartphoney (August 2016)

Janelle Holden
Waiting for that special moment (December 2008)
Donate to a great cause: the NFL (October 2005)
Lighting the unity torch (September 2005)
4H should change the way it does business (August 2005)
On top of my pyramid (May 2005)Cinderella strikes again (April 2005)
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb (February 2005)
Notes from a politically challenged election (November 2004)
Culture shock in the land of cotton (October 2004)
Ferreting out the truth about ‘Fahrenheit 9/11’ (August 2004)
Coming soon to a state near you: Global warming (July 2004)
Bush-bashing books may not make a difference (May 2004)
Is Kerry more than just the anti-Bush? (April 2004)
Football’s strange allure captures a reluctant fan (February 2004)
‘Festivus’ for the rest of us (January 2004)
The Money Pit, or the Year of the Landlord (December 2003)
Paranoia: Into your life it will creep (October 2003)
The carnival rolls into California (September 2003)
Donate to a great cause: the NFL (October 2005)
Lighting the unity torch (September 2005)
4H should change the way it does business (August 2005)
On top of my pyramid (May 2005)Cinderella strikes again (April 2005)
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb (February 2005)
Notes from a politically challenged election (November 2004)
Culture shock in the land of cotton (October 2004)
Ferreting out the truth about ‘Fahrenheit 9/11’ (August 2004)
Coming soon to a state near you: Global warming (July 2004)
Bush-bashing books may not make a difference (May 2004)
Is Kerry more than just the anti-Bush? (April 2004)
Football’s strange allure captures a reluctant fan (February 2004)
‘Festivus’ for the rest of us (January 2004)
The Money Pit, or the Year of the Landlord (December 2003)
Paranoia: Into your life it will creep (October 2003)
The carnival rolls into California (September 2003)

John Christian Hopkins
Should I repeat myself? (May 2020)
Not all dreams should come true (February 2020)
The true Trump (November 2019)
Tech failure (July 2019)
Instant Karma (May 2019)
If it wasn’t for bad luck… (April 2019)
A divisive issue (March 2019)
Making Anatomy grow again (November 2018)
True blue for Trump (September 2018)
Me, too? (July 2018)
Suspicious minds (June 2018)
Abraham Lincoln’s mass hangings (March 2018)
Schmitt happens (February 2018)
World Toilet Day: Skip to my loo (December 2017)
Breaking news! TV is terrible (November 2017)
A crazy little thing called love (October 2017)
Remembering Elvis (September 2017)
Is Chief Wahoo demeaning? (July 2017)
Failng home ec (May 2017)
Begayisms (April 2017)
My alternative life story (March 2017)
Losing in the Pectoral College (December 2016)
How to keep your friends in an election year (September 2016)
Behind the times (August 2016)
Donald Trump tells all! (July 2016)
Flavor of the month (May 2016)
Exposed (April 2016)
Funny business (March 2016)
2015 in the rear-view mirror (February 2016)
Not all dreams should come true (February 2020)
The true Trump (November 2019)
Tech failure (July 2019)
Instant Karma (May 2019)
If it wasn’t for bad luck… (April 2019)
A divisive issue (March 2019)
Making Anatomy grow again (November 2018)
True blue for Trump (September 2018)
Me, too? (July 2018)
Suspicious minds (June 2018)
Abraham Lincoln’s mass hangings (March 2018)
Schmitt happens (February 2018)
World Toilet Day: Skip to my loo (December 2017)
Breaking news! TV is terrible (November 2017)
A crazy little thing called love (October 2017)
Remembering Elvis (September 2017)
Is Chief Wahoo demeaning? (July 2017)
Failng home ec (May 2017)
Begayisms (April 2017)
My alternative life story (March 2017)
Losing in the Pectoral College (December 2016)
How to keep your friends in an election year (September 2016)
Behind the times (August 2016)
Donald Trump tells all! (July 2016)
Flavor of the month (May 2016)
Exposed (April 2016)
Funny business (March 2016)
2015 in the rear-view mirror (February 2016)

Midge Kirk
Women of protest —the 100-year anniversary (June 2020)
An ode to nurses (May 2020)
The first woman doctor in Georgia (March 2020)
A singer who offers hope (February 2020)
A brave union activist (November 2019)
The first lady of libraries (October 2019)
A vibrant lady who influenced others (August 2019)
UC-Berkeley’s first dean of women (July 2019)
An activist for Indian rights (June 2019)
One of the most dangerous women in America (May 2019)
A key voice in the Harlem Renaissance (April 2019)
Celebrating Women’s History Month (March 2019)
A woman who soared to new heights (February 2019)
A rare winner of the Nobel Peace Price (January 2019)
A powerful voice against slavery (December 2018)
An ode to nurses (May 2020)
The first woman doctor in Georgia (March 2020)
A singer who offers hope (February 2020)
A brave union activist (November 2019)
The first lady of libraries (October 2019)
A vibrant lady who influenced others (August 2019)
UC-Berkeley’s first dean of women (July 2019)
An activist for Indian rights (June 2019)
One of the most dangerous women in America (May 2019)
A key voice in the Harlem Renaissance (April 2019)
Celebrating Women’s History Month (March 2019)
A woman who soared to new heights (February 2019)
A rare winner of the Nobel Peace Price (January 2019)
A powerful voice against slavery (December 2018)

Galen Larson
Time for me to give thanks (January 2020)
Let’s treat our veterans right (November 2019)
Bait and switch (July 2019)
We sure have to look up to our leaders (June 2019)
We need jobs, not a gun sanctuary (April 2019)
What is true patriotism? (July 2018)
Take aim at the NRA (March 2018)
A dark day in Cortez (December 2017)
Don’t imitate Texas (October 2017)
Fighting the oligarchy (August 2017)
Missing Nixon (April 2017)
The Great Wall (March 2017)
The patriotic duty conservatives avoid (January 2017)
Our beautiful community deserves more (November 2016)
Riding roughshod over nature (September 2016)
Caregivers and our health system (August 2016)
A woeful fable (June 2016)
A need for better records (April 2016)
Top-heavy government (February 2016)
Why we need agriculture (January 2016)
Shaming Veterans Day (November 2015)
Alien invaders (October 2015)
Our county’s negative notoriety (August 2015)
Some questions about our new ‘club’ (July 2015)
Leaders need to have vision (June 2015)
Respecting our veterans (May 2015)
Paying our dues (April 2015)
The sad legacy we are leaving (February 2015)
Kinder Morgan’s farm could be a boon (January 2015)
Going down with the ship (December 2014)
What is the county’s mission? (November 2014)
The high cost of low wages (October 2014)
Privatizing public lands would make no sense (September 2014)
My July 7 civics lesson (August 2014)
Water, water everywhere? That isn’t the case (July 2014)
Monteuzma County’s debilitating condition (June 2014)
Taking care of our community (May 2014)
Hypocrisy and government (April 2014)
What happens when rights conflict? (March 2014)
Be a Christian – support the ACA (February 2014)
The real wolf in the fold (January 2014)
End the Veterans Day revelries (November 2013)
Protecting water quality helps our community (October 2013)
Liberty and the Second Amendment (May 2013)
The best way to help the poor (April 2013)
The numbers crunch (March 2013)
Votes do more than bullets can to aid democracies of man (February 2013)
Want to shrink government? Start here (January 2013)
The stolen holiday (December 2012)
Media madness (November 2012)
Hijacking the Republican Party (September 2012)
Pruning the tree of politics (August 2012)
The really important person in the economic equation (July 2012)
Space shuttle Discovery: A proud achievement (May 2012)
What spoils have we gained from our wars? (April 2012)
Losing power over our own government (March 2012)
Marching backwards on education (February 2012)
Our watery planet is getting drier (January 2012)
Inside the big tent with the Republicans (December 2011)
A crime goes unpunished in Montezuma County (November 2011)
Who is Grover Norquist? (October 2011)
Don’t take water for granted (September 2011)
Sailing on the ship of fools (August 2011)
The politics of politics (July 2011)
30 questions for Scott Tipton (June 2011)
Take back our country (May 2011)
Where would we be without unions? (April 2011)
Leave something for the future (March 2011)
A nation of hypocrites (February 2011)
An unwise action by our new DA (January 2011)
What ever happened to Christmas? (December 2010)
The greatest gift (November 2010)
The campaign charade (October 2010)
Water, water everywhere? (September 2010)
We have met the enemy and he is us (August 2010)
Afraid of color (July 2010)
The man in the mirror (June 2010)
Hunting the wrong bear (February 2010)
Quality of life requires water and open space (January 2010)
Do the right thing: Support universal health care (December 2009)
Why is population a forbidden subject? (November 2009)
Gambling: a tax, an addiction, but not a game (October 2009)
No, agriculture isn’t dead (September 2009)
A rhyme for our times (August 2009)
Why local economic development doesn’t succeed (June 2009)
All Fools Month (April 2009)
Want to get fit? Buy this! (February 2009)
Why the furor over guns? (January 2009)
With the election over, it’s time to get to work (December 2008)
Are we a great nation, or what? (September 2008)
How best to preserve our paradise? (July 2008)
The fault, dear Brutus, lies in ourselves (June 2008)
The FCC and our culture of fear (May 2008)
The monster of corporate capitalism (April 2008)
Impending water crisis should worry all (March 2008)
Edwards understood the real threat (February 2008)
Showing respect on Veterans’ Day (December 2007)
Septic systems: Should we be concerned? (October 2007)
We need to regain our nation (September 2007)
A nation of lemmings (August 2007)
The value of gardens (July 2007)
Who should be at the helm? (June 2007)
Faith and the conundrum it evokes (May 2007)
A disastrous vote in Montezuma County (January 2007)
Yes, I’m a liberal, and proud of it (April 2006)
Sins of the past haunt us today (January 2006)
Look to agriculture to revive county’s health (November 2005)
Why don’t journalists give us the real news? (September 2005)
A revelation on the road to Damascus (August 2005)
County needs to come together, quit squabbling (July 2005)
Negative thinking prevails in county (June 2005)
Water, water everywhere? Not in the West! (May 2005)
The choice we made hangs over us (April 2005)
Whose guidance is Bush really following? (February 2005)
What’s the matter with paying our share? (December 2004)
Bush administration anything but conservative (October 2004)
Hoopla over Elway exemplifies our skewed priorities (September 2004)
Why are we so hated in the world? (August 2004)
Time to support small farmers and ranchers (July 2004)
Don’t blame lowly soldiers for abuses in Iraq (June 2004)
Nature-lovers should squelch the urge to fish and tell (May 2004)
Growth is a problem, not a solution (April 2004)
Three years of Bush and the nation’s in a shambles (March 2004)
Local ranchers could find niche offering specialty beef (February 2004)
Private corporations drain lifeblood from our country (January 2004)
Ferriting out the truth requires reading, not TV viewing (December 2003)
Apathy about election appalling (November 2003)
Insurance companies offer nothing tangible (October 2003)
Referendum A will suck the Western slope dry (September 2003)
Let’s treat our veterans right (November 2019)
Bait and switch (July 2019)
We sure have to look up to our leaders (June 2019)
We need jobs, not a gun sanctuary (April 2019)
What is true patriotism? (July 2018)
Take aim at the NRA (March 2018)
A dark day in Cortez (December 2017)
Don’t imitate Texas (October 2017)
Fighting the oligarchy (August 2017)
Missing Nixon (April 2017)
The Great Wall (March 2017)
The patriotic duty conservatives avoid (January 2017)
Our beautiful community deserves more (November 2016)
Riding roughshod over nature (September 2016)
Caregivers and our health system (August 2016)
A woeful fable (June 2016)
A need for better records (April 2016)
Top-heavy government (February 2016)
Why we need agriculture (January 2016)
Shaming Veterans Day (November 2015)
Alien invaders (October 2015)
Our county’s negative notoriety (August 2015)
Some questions about our new ‘club’ (July 2015)
Leaders need to have vision (June 2015)
Respecting our veterans (May 2015)
Paying our dues (April 2015)
The sad legacy we are leaving (February 2015)
Kinder Morgan’s farm could be a boon (January 2015)
Going down with the ship (December 2014)
What is the county’s mission? (November 2014)
The high cost of low wages (October 2014)
Privatizing public lands would make no sense (September 2014)
My July 7 civics lesson (August 2014)
Water, water everywhere? That isn’t the case (July 2014)
Monteuzma County’s debilitating condition (June 2014)
Taking care of our community (May 2014)
Hypocrisy and government (April 2014)
What happens when rights conflict? (March 2014)
Be a Christian – support the ACA (February 2014)
The real wolf in the fold (January 2014)
End the Veterans Day revelries (November 2013)
Protecting water quality helps our community (October 2013)
Liberty and the Second Amendment (May 2013)
The best way to help the poor (April 2013)
The numbers crunch (March 2013)
Votes do more than bullets can to aid democracies of man (February 2013)
Want to shrink government? Start here (January 2013)
The stolen holiday (December 2012)
Media madness (November 2012)
Hijacking the Republican Party (September 2012)
Pruning the tree of politics (August 2012)
The really important person in the economic equation (July 2012)
Space shuttle Discovery: A proud achievement (May 2012)
What spoils have we gained from our wars? (April 2012)
Losing power over our own government (March 2012)
Marching backwards on education (February 2012)
Our watery planet is getting drier (January 2012)
Inside the big tent with the Republicans (December 2011)
A crime goes unpunished in Montezuma County (November 2011)
Who is Grover Norquist? (October 2011)
Don’t take water for granted (September 2011)
Sailing on the ship of fools (August 2011)
The politics of politics (July 2011)
30 questions for Scott Tipton (June 2011)
Take back our country (May 2011)
Where would we be without unions? (April 2011)
Leave something for the future (March 2011)
A nation of hypocrites (February 2011)
An unwise action by our new DA (January 2011)
What ever happened to Christmas? (December 2010)
The greatest gift (November 2010)
The campaign charade (October 2010)
Water, water everywhere? (September 2010)
We have met the enemy and he is us (August 2010)
Afraid of color (July 2010)
The man in the mirror (June 2010)
Hunting the wrong bear (February 2010)
Quality of life requires water and open space (January 2010)
Do the right thing: Support universal health care (December 2009)
Why is population a forbidden subject? (November 2009)
Gambling: a tax, an addiction, but not a game (October 2009)
No, agriculture isn’t dead (September 2009)
A rhyme for our times (August 2009)
Why local economic development doesn’t succeed (June 2009)
All Fools Month (April 2009)
Want to get fit? Buy this! (February 2009)
Why the furor over guns? (January 2009)
With the election over, it’s time to get to work (December 2008)
Are we a great nation, or what? (September 2008)
How best to preserve our paradise? (July 2008)
The fault, dear Brutus, lies in ourselves (June 2008)
The FCC and our culture of fear (May 2008)
The monster of corporate capitalism (April 2008)
Impending water crisis should worry all (March 2008)
Edwards understood the real threat (February 2008)
Showing respect on Veterans’ Day (December 2007)
Septic systems: Should we be concerned? (October 2007)
We need to regain our nation (September 2007)
A nation of lemmings (August 2007)
The value of gardens (July 2007)
Who should be at the helm? (June 2007)
Faith and the conundrum it evokes (May 2007)
A disastrous vote in Montezuma County (January 2007)
Yes, I’m a liberal, and proud of it (April 2006)
Sins of the past haunt us today (January 2006)
Look to agriculture to revive county’s health (November 2005)
Why don’t journalists give us the real news? (September 2005)
A revelation on the road to Damascus (August 2005)
County needs to come together, quit squabbling (July 2005)
Negative thinking prevails in county (June 2005)
Water, water everywhere? Not in the West! (May 2005)
The choice we made hangs over us (April 2005)
Whose guidance is Bush really following? (February 2005)
What’s the matter with paying our share? (December 2004)
Bush administration anything but conservative (October 2004)
Hoopla over Elway exemplifies our skewed priorities (September 2004)
Why are we so hated in the world? (August 2004)
Time to support small farmers and ranchers (July 2004)
Don’t blame lowly soldiers for abuses in Iraq (June 2004)
Nature-lovers should squelch the urge to fish and tell (May 2004)
Growth is a problem, not a solution (April 2004)
Three years of Bush and the nation’s in a shambles (March 2004)
Local ranchers could find niche offering specialty beef (February 2004)
Private corporations drain lifeblood from our country (January 2004)
Ferriting out the truth requires reading, not TV viewing (December 2003)
Apathy about election appalling (November 2003)
Insurance companies offer nothing tangible (October 2003)
Referendum A will suck the Western slope dry (September 2003)

David Grant Long
The greatest good for the greatest number (March 2020)
An automatic reflex (May 2017)
Once upon a time in Berkeley… (March 2017)
Guns don’t kill people (November 2015)
Scalia’s dissent is far out, man! (July 2015)
Collateral damage (March 2015)
Saints and sinners (September 2014)
Something ought to be done, by golly (January 2013)
A dark night for America (August 2012)
Gun power (May 2012)
What’s a life worth? (April 2012)
Money holds sway in college sports (December 2011)
Is there a little prince or princess in your house? (June 2011)
Phantom candidates don’t deserve to win (May 2011)
Maybe it wasn’t such an inexplicable act (February 2011)
McInnis’ Water-loo (August 2010)
Marching backward into the future (May 2010)
Will politics trump justice? (April 2010)
Teams’ ‘respect’ for Indians is only Skin-deep (December 2009)
The royal families in our political midst (January 2009)
Wright’s rants raise troubling questions (April 2008)
Holding my nose for Hillary? (February 2008)
Is this any way to treat your ‘best friend’? (September 2007)
Desperate GOP woos outed commie (August 2007)
Time to transcend group identities (May 2007)
Do ‘family affairs’ matter to the religious right? (April 2007)
How did this happen? (January 2007)
Lactating intolerance – get over it, America! (September 2006)
Anonymous accusations carry their own stigma (May 2006)
In defense of (a little) intolerance (March 2006)
This just in: Bush administration acted illegally! (November 2005)
Patriotism, the last refuge of scoundrels, thrives (July 2005)
Pray tell: What’s the difference between a democracy and a theocracy? (May 2005)
Do family values include whores in the White House? (April 2005)
War is hell — and it’s not fought by angels (December 2004)
Greeks have more fun — and the occasional death (November 2004)
Kerry should have been a coward (September 2004)
Rummy’s Iraqi lovebird comes home to roost (August 2004)
Yellowbelly(aka Campbell) cooks up ethical stew (July 2004)
Niggardly Congress ignores “compassionate conservatism” (June 2004)
Age of Innocence should be laid to rest (May 2004)
Lies, damned lies and Bush politics (April 2004)
Testing the yellow waters (March 2004)
Bush’s military career lacks “shared sacrifice” (January 2004)
Gay couples shouldn’t have to just “shack up” (December 2003)
Rush to judgment (November 2003)
The hunt for cheap meat (October 2003)
Pledging “something” to the flag (September 2003)
An automatic reflex (May 2017)
Once upon a time in Berkeley… (March 2017)
Guns don’t kill people (November 2015)
Scalia’s dissent is far out, man! (July 2015)
Collateral damage (March 2015)
Saints and sinners (September 2014)
Something ought to be done, by golly (January 2013)
A dark night for America (August 2012)
Gun power (May 2012)
What’s a life worth? (April 2012)
Money holds sway in college sports (December 2011)
Is there a little prince or princess in your house? (June 2011)
Phantom candidates don’t deserve to win (May 2011)
Maybe it wasn’t such an inexplicable act (February 2011)
McInnis’ Water-loo (August 2010)
Marching backward into the future (May 2010)
Will politics trump justice? (April 2010)
Teams’ ‘respect’ for Indians is only Skin-deep (December 2009)
The royal families in our political midst (January 2009)
Wright’s rants raise troubling questions (April 2008)
Holding my nose for Hillary? (February 2008)
Is this any way to treat your ‘best friend’? (September 2007)
Desperate GOP woos outed commie (August 2007)
Time to transcend group identities (May 2007)
Do ‘family affairs’ matter to the religious right? (April 2007)
How did this happen? (January 2007)
Lactating intolerance – get over it, America! (September 2006)
Anonymous accusations carry their own stigma (May 2006)
In defense of (a little) intolerance (March 2006)
This just in: Bush administration acted illegally! (November 2005)
Patriotism, the last refuge of scoundrels, thrives (July 2005)
Pray tell: What’s the difference between a democracy and a theocracy? (May 2005)
Do family values include whores in the White House? (April 2005)
War is hell — and it’s not fought by angels (December 2004)
Greeks have more fun — and the occasional death (November 2004)
Kerry should have been a coward (September 2004)
Rummy’s Iraqi lovebird comes home to roost (August 2004)
Yellowbelly(aka Campbell) cooks up ethical stew (July 2004)
Niggardly Congress ignores “compassionate conservatism” (June 2004)
Age of Innocence should be laid to rest (May 2004)
Lies, damned lies and Bush politics (April 2004)
Testing the yellow waters (March 2004)
Bush’s military career lacks “shared sacrifice” (January 2004)
Gay couples shouldn’t have to just “shack up” (December 2003)
Rush to judgment (November 2003)
The hunt for cheap meat (October 2003)
Pledging “something” to the flag (September 2003)

Valerie Maez
There are choices on June 30 (May 2020)
A conversation with Lauren Boebert (March 2020)
Greed masked as altruism (February 2020)
The proposed Cortez land use code and you (January 2020)
This vote of mine (November 2019)
A Colorado storm (October 2019)
Men of good will… (August 2019)
Independence (July 2019)
Amtrak (June 2019)
A Greatest Generation mom (May 2019)
Agents of chaos at warp speed (April 2019)
Let them eat SALT (March 2019)
Imploding institutions and the millenials (February 2019)
Media and voting (January 2019)
Conservancy’s effort raises questions (December 2018)
A conversation with Lauren Boebert (March 2020)
Greed masked as altruism (February 2020)
The proposed Cortez land use code and you (January 2020)
This vote of mine (November 2019)
A Colorado storm (October 2019)
Men of good will… (August 2019)
Independence (July 2019)
Amtrak (June 2019)
A Greatest Generation mom (May 2019)
Agents of chaos at warp speed (April 2019)
Let them eat SALT (March 2019)
Imploding institutions and the millenials (February 2019)
Media and voting (January 2019)
Conservancy’s effort raises questions (December 2018)

Cindy McCombe
Stirring the gender bucket pink (March 2015)
The name-change blues (Decmeber 2014)
Ann Coulter vs. the Disability Community (November 2012)
The name-change blues (Decmeber 2014)
Ann Coulter vs. the Disability Community (November 2012)

Peter Miesler
Earth’s development in 24 hours (August 2019)
Why Earth’s story matters, 2 (July 2019)
Why Earth’s story matters (June 2019)
Magical thinking threatens our government (November 2018)
An abuse of free-speech rights (August 2018)
Saying no to reality (July 2018)
Saving La Plata? (March 2018)
We need a real dialogue about climate (January 2018)
What would the Village accomplish? (November 2017)
An open letter to Red McCombs (July 2017)
Enough daydreaming (February 2017)
America, it’s time to start talking (December 2016)
Our health-care system lacks heart (October 2016)
GOP’s mindset is hard to fathom (September 2016)
Thoughts on the GOP platform (August 2016)
Encouraging co-ops to look to renewables (July 2016)
Concerning our failure to appreciate the weather (February 2016)
Please leave this beautiful site alone (August 2015)
Plan for rape and Pillage reignites opposition (June 2015)
‘An Honest Liar’: The story of James Randi (December 2014)
Why bother to vote? (October 2014)
The magic that made the mountains (January 2014)
Were the floods tied to climate change? (November 2013)
A recipe for creating the Grand Canyon (September 2013)
Climate change is physics (September 2012)
It takes a village to fight the Village (April 2012)
McCombs tries again for Village at Wolf Creek (November 2011)
Playing games with global warming (June 2011)
Why we need the IPCC (March 2011)
The denial machine keeps cranking (February 2011)
Why Earth’s story matters, 2 (July 2019)
Why Earth’s story matters (June 2019)
Magical thinking threatens our government (November 2018)
An abuse of free-speech rights (August 2018)
Saying no to reality (July 2018)
Saving La Plata? (March 2018)
We need a real dialogue about climate (January 2018)
What would the Village accomplish? (November 2017)
An open letter to Red McCombs (July 2017)
Enough daydreaming (February 2017)
America, it’s time to start talking (December 2016)
Our health-care system lacks heart (October 2016)
GOP’s mindset is hard to fathom (September 2016)
Thoughts on the GOP platform (August 2016)
Encouraging co-ops to look to renewables (July 2016)
Concerning our failure to appreciate the weather (February 2016)
Please leave this beautiful site alone (August 2015)
Plan for rape and Pillage reignites opposition (June 2015)
‘An Honest Liar’: The story of James Randi (December 2014)
Why bother to vote? (October 2014)
The magic that made the mountains (January 2014)
Were the floods tied to climate change? (November 2013)
A recipe for creating the Grand Canyon (September 2013)
Climate change is physics (September 2012)
It takes a village to fight the Village (April 2012)
McCombs tries again for Village at Wolf Creek (November 2011)
Playing games with global warming (June 2011)
Why we need the IPCC (March 2011)
The denial machine keeps cranking (February 2011)

Chip Shoefter
Shock comes from within and without (May 2020)
An adolescent species grows up — or not (October 2019)
Some thoughts on magical thinking (February 2018)
An adolescent species grows up — or not (October 2019)
Some thoughts on magical thinking (February 2018)

Jude Schuenemeyer
The almost-true story of the Cedar Hill Black (November 2013)
Passing on seeds from the past (September 2013)
A tale from Towaoc (February 2013)
Apple of my eye (December 2012)
Forward thinking (October 2012)
A peach of a crop (September 2012)Seeking the elusive orange apple (May 2012)
A whimsical tale from days long past (April 2012)
Dear Mr. Jefferson… (March 2012)
A prize-winning peach from the past (February 2012)
When is the right time? (November 2011)
Government regulations running amok (October 2011)
Seeds of confusion (September 2011)The gift of life (June 2011)
An avocado grove in McElmo Canyon? (April 2011)
Orchards show the power of resolve (March 2011)
The value of time (February 2011)
Remembering the hardships of the past (December 2010)
Chicken-hearted (November 2010)
Certified organic? Does it matter? (September 2010)
Gardening means living in the now (August 2010)
Planting an orchard: An act of faith (July 2010)
Passing on seeds from the past (September 2013)
A tale from Towaoc (February 2013)
Apple of my eye (December 2012)
Forward thinking (October 2012)
A peach of a crop (September 2012)Seeking the elusive orange apple (May 2012)
A whimsical tale from days long past (April 2012)
Dear Mr. Jefferson… (March 2012)
A prize-winning peach from the past (February 2012)
When is the right time? (November 2011)
Government regulations running amok (October 2011)
Seeds of confusion (September 2011)The gift of life (June 2011)
An avocado grove in McElmo Canyon? (April 2011)
Orchards show the power of resolve (March 2011)
The value of time (February 2011)
Remembering the hardships of the past (December 2010)
Chicken-hearted (November 2010)
Certified organic? Does it matter? (September 2010)
Gardening means living in the now (August 2010)
Planting an orchard: An act of faith (July 2010)

Suzanne Strazza
My home on the range (June 2020)
Finding my place amid a global pandemic (April 2020)
Stabbed in the heart (March 2020)
Getting better (can’t get no worse) (November 2019)
Ooh, that smell! (October 2018)
Groovin’ to the music, once again (July 2018)
A penny for my thoughts (May 2018)
Loving Mick — it was a gas, gas, gas (April 2018)
Things you should know before we date, 2/19/18 (March 2018)
Alone again, naturally (February 2018)
Post-It notes from the edge (June 2017)
Frozen (March 2017)
Sitting on a plane. . . (November 2016)
Bridget, again (October 2016)
Junk car (September 2016)
She’s gone country (August 2016)
Amsterdam (June 2016)
The long way home (April 2016)
Wrapture at Bloomingdale’s (January 2016)
Thanks for the memories (December 2015)
Clothes make the (hu)man (November 2015)
The friendly skies (September 2015)
To forgive is divine (July 2015)
Touch of Gray (May 2015)
Fit as a Fiddle-Faddle (March 2015)
A tale of two hamsters (January 2015)
Cleanliness is next to … how does that go? (December 2014)
Stream of consciousness (September 2014)
Hello, Dolly! (August 2014)
Text anxiety? (July 2014)
How are you? (May 2014)
Note to self: Use more Post-Its (April 2014)
Is it time to ramble on? (March 2014)
Lessons learned from the past four years (January 2014)
All shook up (December 2013)
Running on empty (November 2013)
Harvest time (October 2013)
My three sons (September 2013)
Swimming against the technological tide (July 2013)
Hot home cooking (May 2013)
Why I’m a heat-seeking miss (April 2013)
Adventure on the high seas (January 2013)
Super-shopper (November 2012)
Home alone (October 2012)
A crash course in honesty (September 2012)
Self-discovery (June 2012)
Facing Facebook (April 2012)
Coolest of the cool (February 2012)
Highlights of my past two years (January 2012)
No more Elly May (December 2011)
Better communication through technology (October 2011)
A Jersey girl (July 2011)
Alone in an empty nest (June 2011)
The age of heartaches and hormones (April 2011)
Obsession (February 2011)
Badgered (January 2011)
Snowed under (December 2010)
Wedding-bell blues (November 2010)
Wanted: the perfect man (August 2010)
Things I have learned in the last year (July 2010)
Row, row, row your boat (June 2010)
Reminders that, yes, I am getting divorced (May 2010)
Getting by with a little help from my friend (April 2010)
50 things you should know before we date (March 2010)
Things I have done since the split (February 2010)
The strange tale of a bear, a baby and a back seat (October 2009)
Chocolate in the underwear drawer (August 2009)
Dyeing for perfection (July 2009)
The strange saga of Frodo and Sam (February 2009)
A passion for pets (December 2008)
Why Halloween gives me the creeps (November 2008)
Running on empty (October 2008)
A report from the land of the rich and famous (September 2008)
School’s out … forever (June 2008)
Just horsing around (May 2008)
High fashion on the ski trail (March 2008)
Master of our domain (February 2008)
A pound of flesh (November 2007)
Kindergarten (October 2007)
Hooked on books (September 2007)
Bathing beauty (August 2007)
Grand Gulch granny (June 2007)
Wizards and dragons and orcs – oh, my! (April 2007)
Simple pleasures (March 2007)
No State Fair hair, please (February 2007)
Gift-giving (December 2006)
Living in a tent (with 1 husband, 2 kids, and 3 pets) (October 2006)
Skunked again (September 2006)
Flight of the tooth fairy (August 2006)
Home, sweet home (July 2006)
Saving the world one step at a time (April 2006)
Cleanliness is next to … something (March 2006)
The puzzling phenomenon of rudeness (February 2006)
The pain of being fit (December 2005)
Rubbing shoulders with fame (September 2005)
How to score with your wife (August 2005)
Fearless at 40 (June 2005)
Lookin’ cool and feelin’ groovy (May 2005)
The two emotions of men (April 2005)
All my children (February 2005)
School is better the second time around (January 2005)
Fighting the Superstore syndrome (December 2004)
Happily ever after – right? (November 2004)
These shoes were made for dancin’ (October 2004)
Do blonds really have more fun? (August 2004)
Take this job and love it (June 2004)
Golden Oldies (May 2004)
Love and marriage just go together (April 2004)
Confessions of a Drama Queen (March 2004)
Confessions of a frivolous woman (January 2004)
Are the sexes really so different? You bet! (November 2003)
Technology addiction ruining our lives (October 2003)
Finding my place amid a global pandemic (April 2020)
Stabbed in the heart (March 2020)
Getting better (can’t get no worse) (November 2019)
Ooh, that smell! (October 2018)
Groovin’ to the music, once again (July 2018)
A penny for my thoughts (May 2018)
Loving Mick — it was a gas, gas, gas (April 2018)
Things you should know before we date, 2/19/18 (March 2018)
Alone again, naturally (February 2018)
Post-It notes from the edge (June 2017)
Frozen (March 2017)
Sitting on a plane. . . (November 2016)
Bridget, again (October 2016)
Junk car (September 2016)
She’s gone country (August 2016)
Amsterdam (June 2016)
The long way home (April 2016)
Wrapture at Bloomingdale’s (January 2016)
Thanks for the memories (December 2015)
Clothes make the (hu)man (November 2015)
The friendly skies (September 2015)
To forgive is divine (July 2015)
Touch of Gray (May 2015)
Fit as a Fiddle-Faddle (March 2015)
A tale of two hamsters (January 2015)
Cleanliness is next to … how does that go? (December 2014)
Stream of consciousness (September 2014)
Hello, Dolly! (August 2014)
Text anxiety? (July 2014)
How are you? (May 2014)
Note to self: Use more Post-Its (April 2014)
Is it time to ramble on? (March 2014)
Lessons learned from the past four years (January 2014)
All shook up (December 2013)
Running on empty (November 2013)
Harvest time (October 2013)
My three sons (September 2013)
Swimming against the technological tide (July 2013)
Hot home cooking (May 2013)
Why I’m a heat-seeking miss (April 2013)
Adventure on the high seas (January 2013)
Super-shopper (November 2012)
Home alone (October 2012)
A crash course in honesty (September 2012)
Self-discovery (June 2012)
Facing Facebook (April 2012)
Coolest of the cool (February 2012)
Highlights of my past two years (January 2012)
No more Elly May (December 2011)
Better communication through technology (October 2011)
A Jersey girl (July 2011)
Alone in an empty nest (June 2011)
The age of heartaches and hormones (April 2011)
Obsession (February 2011)
Badgered (January 2011)
Snowed under (December 2010)
Wedding-bell blues (November 2010)
Wanted: the perfect man (August 2010)
Things I have learned in the last year (July 2010)
Row, row, row your boat (June 2010)
Reminders that, yes, I am getting divorced (May 2010)
Getting by with a little help from my friend (April 2010)
50 things you should know before we date (March 2010)
Things I have done since the split (February 2010)
The strange tale of a bear, a baby and a back seat (October 2009)
Chocolate in the underwear drawer (August 2009)
Dyeing for perfection (July 2009)
The strange saga of Frodo and Sam (February 2009)
A passion for pets (December 2008)
Why Halloween gives me the creeps (November 2008)
Running on empty (October 2008)
A report from the land of the rich and famous (September 2008)
School’s out … forever (June 2008)
Just horsing around (May 2008)
High fashion on the ski trail (March 2008)
Master of our domain (February 2008)
A pound of flesh (November 2007)
Kindergarten (October 2007)
Hooked on books (September 2007)
Bathing beauty (August 2007)
Grand Gulch granny (June 2007)
Wizards and dragons and orcs – oh, my! (April 2007)
Simple pleasures (March 2007)
No State Fair hair, please (February 2007)
Gift-giving (December 2006)
Living in a tent (with 1 husband, 2 kids, and 3 pets) (October 2006)
Skunked again (September 2006)
Flight of the tooth fairy (August 2006)
Home, sweet home (July 2006)
Saving the world one step at a time (April 2006)
Cleanliness is next to … something (March 2006)
The puzzling phenomenon of rudeness (February 2006)
The pain of being fit (December 2005)
Rubbing shoulders with fame (September 2005)
How to score with your wife (August 2005)
Fearless at 40 (June 2005)
Lookin’ cool and feelin’ groovy (May 2005)
The two emotions of men (April 2005)
All my children (February 2005)
School is better the second time around (January 2005)
Fighting the Superstore syndrome (December 2004)
Happily ever after – right? (November 2004)
These shoes were made for dancin’ (October 2004)
Do blonds really have more fun? (August 2004)
Take this job and love it (June 2004)
Golden Oldies (May 2004)
Love and marriage just go together (April 2004)
Confessions of a Drama Queen (March 2004)
Confessions of a frivolous woman (January 2004)
Are the sexes really so different? You bet! (November 2003)
Technology addiction ruining our lives (October 2003)

Guest Columns
We should attack COVID-19 as we would a wildfire By Fred Bird (May 2020)
Sportsmen vote public lands and waters By David Lien (November 2018)
Patagonia just made history. Now it should do even more. By Zak Podmore (November 2018)
Rumors of the death of expertise By Sally Planalp and George Cheney (May 2018)
Trump throws sportsmen under the bus By David Lien (January 2018)
Climate change: Eight reasons for hope By Susan Atkinson (August 2017)
Why archaeology matters By Leslie Sesler (February 2017)
Diné stand with Standing Rock By Carol David and Lori Goodman (November 2016)
Are Public Lands Being Confiscated to Pay National Debts? By Janet Wilcox (September 2016)
A Factual History of Recapture Canyon, By Josh Ewing (February 2015)
Why public lands access is crucial, By Casey McClellan (April 2012)
Voting yes to wrecking the climate, By Michaela Steiner (June 2014)
Sportsmen vote public lands and waters By David Lien (November 2018)
Patagonia just made history. Now it should do even more. By Zak Podmore (November 2018)
Rumors of the death of expertise By Sally Planalp and George Cheney (May 2018)
Trump throws sportsmen under the bus By David Lien (January 2018)
Climate change: Eight reasons for hope By Susan Atkinson (August 2017)
Why archaeology matters By Leslie Sesler (February 2017)
Diné stand with Standing Rock By Carol David and Lori Goodman (November 2016)
Are Public Lands Being Confiscated to Pay National Debts? By Janet Wilcox (September 2016)
A Factual History of Recapture Canyon, By Josh Ewing (February 2015)
Why public lands access is crucial, By Casey McClellan (April 2012)
Voting yes to wrecking the climate, By Michaela Steiner (June 2014)