Tag Archives: Salter Y

Environmental assessment release for Salter project

The Dolores Ranger District of the San Juan National Forest has released the Salter Vegetation Management Project Final En­vironmental Assessment, Finding of No Significant Impact, and the Draft Decision Notice. The objection period opened June 23, for those who have … Continue reading

Published in July 2021 Tagged

How can forest health be improved?: The Salter Y project has critics, but offers likely long-term gains

Part II of a two-part series Read Part I Sometimes in life we have to engage in unwelcome short-term behavior in order to get long-term results. To lose weight, for in­stance, we may have to give up desserts or big … Continue reading

Published in May 2021 Tagged

What is a healthy forest?: The Forest Service is trying to re-establish one through the proposed Salter Y project

“People love big trees. Whether they are hiking, biking, riding – people notice them.People just love the fact that there are big trees and ecologically we need to keep the big trees.” — Jimbo Buickerood, San Juan Citizens Alliance Part … Continue reading

Published in April 2021 Tagged